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Special Kindle Discount on Novels


Hi All,


Just wanted to let you know that the Kindle Digital Platform ( is running a special discount on all my books.  The first day there is a 84% price reduction which goes up to the normal Kindal price after four increases.


First days for Hawaii books are:


Aloha and MaiTais - Nov. 26/13,

Kuliano - Nov. 20/13

Kula Keiki Ali'i - Nov. 20/13

Kuhina Nui - Nov. 22/13

Liliha and the Sacred Mission - Nov. 23/13

An End To Innocence - Nov. 27/13


First day for my Metaphysical (New Age) books are:

No Need To Say Goodbye - Nov. 21/13

Not Really Coincidence about Purposeful Life and Destiny Points - Nov. Nov. 23/13


First day for my Self-Help books are:

Way of the SuperNova - Nov. 19/13

School Proof Your Child - Nov. 25/13


First day for my Environmental Adventure Books are:

At Eagle's Edge - Nov. 21

Alaska Now - Nov. 25/13

Journey Great Barrier Reef - Nov. 26/13

Mission Mururoa - Nov. 20/13


First day for Humor Novels are:

The Wager - Nov. 26/13

Healing Khadijah - Nov. 21/13

Money Child - Nov. 21


First Day for Young Adult Novels Are:

Liliha and the Sacred Mission - Nov. 23/13

Alias the Tank - Nov. 21/13


First Day for Adventure Novel are:

Return of the Canoe Societies - Nov. 26,

Last Wild Place - Nov. 21

Timber Sale - Nov. 21


I will be returning to Hawaii from Dec. 5th. to Dec. 28th.  I'm going to soak up the sun, watch some surfing on the North Shore of Oahu and enjoy the Christmas concerts on the Island.



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