Rosemary I. Patterson, Ph.D. Author, Unique Books
Rosemary I. Patterson, Ph.D. Author, Unique Books
Author of Historical, Adventure, Environmental, Self-Help Books.
Author of Historical, Adventure, Environmental, Self-Help Books.
Categories of Books I Have Written.Environmental Novels.At Eagles Edge: An Environmental Novel About Our Choices, Our Future and Our Environment. The Novel is set in the Central and Northern Coastline of B.C., Canada. In this novel a sea lion is caught in a massive oil spill from unwise super tanker travel in the winter when hurricane force winds sweep through Hecate Straight and Dixon Entrance.
Mission Muroroa. I wrote this novel after reading a Greenpeace warning that radionuclides are leaking from the Murora Atoll because of inadequate drilling depth during the French nuclear tests there from 1966 to 1996. The result is a riveting spy novel. .
Journey Great Barrier Reef. I wrote this novel after reading about a Greenpeace warning that 600,000 lbs. of Cyanide had gone down in 1984 in a cyclone near Raine Island in Australia's Great Barrier Reef. The Cyanide was in barrels but they are likely corroding.
Another Environmental Novel is "Alaska Now". I wrote this book after researching about the dangers of oil drilling in the pristine wilderness of Alaska's National Wildlife Refuge.
Alaska Now is a novel that highlights the Alaska Native Wildlife Refuge and the danger to wildlife and native culture it faces from proposed oil drilling.
My Hawaii Novels.These novels span from 1820, the coming of Hell and Brimstone missionaries to sexually uninhibited Hawaiians to the present day.
Kula Keiki Ali'i (Chief's Children's School) I wrote this novel after reading the journal of Amos Starr Cooke, the probably unbalanced missionary who wrote of whipping his young, male students, the boys who would become Monarchs of Hawaii with rawhide whips. He also writes of telling them they were pagan, Hawaiians were dying off because of adultery, and that they would not become Monarchs of Hawaii unless they converted to Christianity. This novel has been turned into an audiobook, recorded by playwright Wayne Muniz and is available as a MP3 download on Audible.com and the I-Tunes store. It was nominated for the equivalent of a Grammy, the Hawaiian Hoku from the Hawaii Assoc. of Recording Artists.
Kuhina Nui the Hawaiian Deities summon Queen Ka'ahumanu the ruler of Hawaii from 1819-1832 to view the islands and evaluate whether her decisions to westernize Hawaii were beneficial to her people in the long run.
Aloha and MaiTais tells the story of music and musicians in the 1930's. Midwest Book review called it the next best thing to going to Hawaii in a time machine.
An End To Innocence tells the love story of a Hilo girl who goes to the University of Hawaii in the 1960's and loses her innocence about love affairs and politics.
Liliha and the Secret Mission is a Young Adult novel about a teenager who must overcome her fears to locate the bones of King Kamehameha in order for her grandfather, a kahuna, to perform a secret ceremony to slow development on Kauai.
Kuliano tells the story of an orphan taken from Kauai as an example of upward mobility but he only wants to return to the island to finish the outrigger he was building with his mentor, a kahuna.