As well a being right about the Alberta Tar Sands Project and its damage to both the environment and the First Nations people affected by it there is another serious matter to be considered. The proposed transportation of Dilbit (tar sands oil and condensate) along British Columbia's North, Central and Southern Coastline out of Kitimat B. C. and/or Vancouver is also a very real and serious threat to B.C.'s coast and wildlife.

Here are two images of oil tankers that are likely to ply the coastlines of B.C. and a map of the 160 miles of narrow island channels they will have to navigate if they come from Kitimat B.C. There is every likelihood of a spill larger than the Exxon Valdez.

There are more details in my Environmental novel "At Eagle's Edge" about the likely damage from allowing huge oil tankers to navigate the hurricane winds of winter down Douglas Passage and the five channels necessary to reach the ocean from Kitimat.
I hypothesized two large oil spills of Dilbit one off of Gil Island and one off of the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Let us hope they never happen.