Today, Sept. 4, 2015 Prime Minister Rudd of Australia apologized in Parliament for the terrible history of injustice that occurred in the treatment of Aborigines including the "stolen generations" etc. Lets hope that Australia doesn't just think an apology is enough like the Americans have done with Hawaii or that an apology and $20,000 somehow make up for all the injustice Canadian First Nations people have endured.
Many aboriginals were watching in the bleachers as the Prime Minister promised to change things for the better. One can only hope he and his ministers find a way to ameliorate the conditions that exist still to this day.
For background information on what really happened in Australia read my literary novel "Journey Great Barrier Reef" available on Kindle e-book and Amazon in print.
I have other literary histories that tell the information needed to understand the problems in Australia, Canada, Hawaii, Alaska and Tahiti.