Rosemary I. Patterson, Ph.D. Author, Unique Books
Rosemary I. Patterson, Ph.D. Author, Unique Books
Author of Historical, Adventure, Environmental, Self-Help Books.
Author of Historical, Adventure, Environmental, Self-Help Books.
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Rosemary I. Patterson, Ph.D. is a School Psychologist who writes books about adventure and history. Now that Pope Francis has condemned residential schools as genocide read the actual history that happened in Hawaii (Calvinist missionaries destroyed the Hawaiian children that would become their Kings and Queen), Canada, Tahiti, Australia, and Alaska. People unaware of the history can learn it vicariously through the characters and story.These are books with Psychological and Educational themes. MY LATEST BOOK IS
MY SECOND LATEST NOVEL IS THE GREAT CANADIAN ADVENTURE: A great read for Canada's 150th. + birthday. IT IS NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON AND ON KINDLE. THE THIRD BOOK IS AN AUDIOBOOK OF MY NOVEL KULA KEIKI ALI'I that tells the real story of what happened to the children who became Hawaii's last five Monarchs as they were placed in a residential school for six years straight, the boys whipped and told how pagan and hopeless they were.
Anothert book entitled "Liliha and the Sacred Mission. It is a MOANA-TYPE YOUNG ADULT NOVEL. ANOTHER BOOK Tracing Your Purposeful Life" is a guidebook to finding meaning and purpose in your life. A Purposeful Life is a blueprint we make for goals before we incarnate. Destiny Points are crossroads where we make decisions that either hinder or facilitate our Blueprint.
"At Eagle's Edge" is another recent book. It is about an oil spill in the pristine Great Bear Rainforest.
Another Metaphysical book is"No Need To Say Goodbye"
Five books are Hawaii history embedded in romance, mystery and adventure novels including "An End To Innocence", "Kula Keiki Ali'i (Chief's Children's School", "Kuhina Nui", about King Kamehameha's favorite wife, "
One book, "Liliha and the Sacred Mission" is a Moana type young adult adventure novel set in Kauai.
One book is an autobiographical journal testifying to the survival of mind and personality following the passing of my partner Edward.
"Mission Mururoa" is a love and romance novel set in Tahiti.
"Journey Great Barrier Reef" is a love and romance novel set in Australia.
"Healing Khadijah" is a love and romance novel set in Malaysia and Singapore. I wrote it after viewing culture clash with ladies in Burkas Parasailing near Penang.
"Alaska Now" is a love and romance novel about oil and the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge threatened by oil drilling.
All these books are on Amazon.com and are available in Kindle e-book format as well as print. The informative and entertaining audiobook is available on I-tunes and Audible.com
My books can be categorized into five categories, Environmental Books, Hawaii Novels, Non-Fiction, Literary Histories Metaphysical books and humor novels.
I was a finalist in the Dan Poynter e-book awards. I was a winner in the Telluride Indiefest Screenplay contest.